2018 Robot (Unnamed)
Our entry for the 2018 FRC season was purpose built to play FIRST Power-Up. We built an innovative shooter robot that could handle the rigors of competition, and score highly by delivering power cubes into the exchange, as well as shooting them high onto the scale.
Shooter Mechanism
Pneumatically actuated shooter mechanism
Able to lower for depositing into the switch
Raises for shooting into the scale
2 pairs of accelerator wheels + 1 pair of exit wheels
Exit wheels spin up to speed first before accelerator wheels launch power cube
4” compliant wheels for shooter
Proximity sensor for detecting presence of power cube
Intake Mechanism
Opening in front of robot to allow power cube to pass through
Articulating arms extend for intake and retract for movement
Intakes power cube directly into shooter
Control System
Custom button box to control robot functionality
Ability to adjust shooter speed to account for varying scale heights
Our robot won the following awards:
Creativity Award (Hudson Valley Regional)
Innovation in Control Award (NYC Regional)